I was/am so excited. I am even keeping up to date. Block #1 was a log cabin. I couldn't leave it alone though and turned it into a square within a square block. Who doesn't love a log cabin? My colour/fabric policy for this QAL was to not overthink it. I am just using some fabrics I have picked up along the way just 'cos....just 'cos I like the colours, design and/or feel. So far there is an abundance of blues and greens with some pinks and yellows thrown in for good measure. I'm not entirely sure how (or if??) it'll work together but I figure if I like it then that's really all that matters.

...and the 'pinwheel extension' was born. I turned my extra HSTs into my challenge block #1 which I thought was pretty neat. Little did I know the next block would be...

the above beauty - Pinwheel Parade or block #4. All those little triangles! Lots of trimming and crossing of fingers. While she's not a perfect block there was less swearing than I thought there would be although I nearly burnt my fingers off while ironing all those seams this way and that.

This weeks block #5, Arizona. My favourite block so far. Lots of ladies in this QAL have been fussycutting (love that word) their middles and I wanted to have a try. I like it. Again, lots of triangles...I am putting the monster back where it belongs although I don't know that I'll be doing a whole HST quilt any time soon ( not least because I have a whole bunch of other things I should be finishing or doing).
Phew. Now that's up to date.
It's a beauty of a day here on Dangar Island and I've managed to get some snaps of some other things I have made. I will post them shortly.
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