On to some quilty business.
I finished the binding and label on the quilt I made to honour my little boys first birthday. It's not for him but for the Royal North Shore Hospital NICU where he spent the first 100 days of his life (that's a story for another time). I have called it the 'Happy Quilt' because it's so ridiculously and happily bright and cheerful. I hope it brightens someones day. The NICU can choose what best to do with it.

Down on the wharf this morning. What a day, eh?

I was desperate to make sure this was done and ready for his birthday next week and feel a huge sense of relief that it is even though it's such a little project.
I fear there might be a go-slow on quilty business as I really need to get the ginormous secret project done and dusted. Or perhaps I could just start a small project...just cut a bit of fabric...do some sums...maybe sew a few bits together...hmmm. We will see.
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