I made my Ohio Star, this is block #10 is the skill builder sampler. I felt I was trying a little bit too hard to be tricky and fussy with my blocks with varying levels of success. I went old school, back to basics with this one. And guess what? I love it.

I sorted the layout for my hubby's quilt. The original pattern called for 5 x 6 blocks to make a single ( I think this is what is called a twin in the US) which I decided would be too huge. I have pared it back to 4 x 5 blocks, I will put a 2.5" border around the top as well. I have pieced all the rows, now just have to sew the rows up. Maybe this arvo....? I bought batting and backing fabric at the Craft Depot on Friday so no excuses now.
I really have to get on it as I have 3 precious and oh so pretty bundles of fabric coming for me me me! I know I won't be able to concentrate on anything other than my new stuff and will want to get straight into it.
I have been chipping away at the hexies. I go in spurts with this. I know it's a long term prospect-project so am trying not to beat myself up about it.
I made a cute-as-a-button pouch for a friend of mine's 4 year old - her birthday coming up. I made it from some fat quarters and plain pink I had in my collection. I did buy the zip and skinny ribbon especially for this pencil case. I followed this sweet tutorial from Little Big Girl Studio . It was easy peasy and quick to make. Even the zipper which I'm fairly wary of and new to went in without a problem.

I'm not saying it's perfect but I like it and I hope she will too. Of course I bought her some coloured pencils to go in it.

Above and below. The final, parting shots of the bloody Dresden quilt. I had my Mum and Dad hold it out for me while I quickly took a few snaps while the sun was shining. It's since been wrapped up, forgotten, ferried across the river in a water taxi to me, trained into Sydney, spent the afternoon under a table in a pub at a friends wedding, thrown into the boot of my sisters car and now it is in its final home in the Blue Mountains. She has promised that she won't open it til her birthday which isn't until 21 September. We will see. I do hope she likes it.

In a final spurt of craftiness this week I came across this awesome bag and pattern from noodlehead

I had been looking to replace my much loved but thread bare bag I bought in London on a trip about 5 years ago. I purchased the pattern on Thursday. Luckily my Mum and I had a date with the Craft Depot to get some supplies so I wrote a list of all that I needed. I love this Soul Blossom print, sheesh I just love Amy Butler! It was the first time I'd seen this print with the aqua background ( my favourite colour right now). This bag could have gone a zillion different ways as there is so much colour in the print. I went back and forth in the shop with bolts of fabric for an hour before coming across the Meadowsweet butterfly print in orange....ON SALE!! The cream is a duck cloth, nice and soft but sturdy. Also cheap as chips. The whole bag cost less than $30 to make. Sweet!!!!
My eyeballs nearly fell clean out of my head when I first walked into the shop as they had just unloaded, plastic still on, bolts of Heather Baileys Popgarden and Bijoux lines. I have been coveting these fabrics online. They are even more splendidly beautiful in person. I showed great restraint but have promised myself I will get some next week as I think they will walk out the door. This fabric shop gets greater and brighter prints every time I go, it must make some of the older, more traditional quilters shudder.
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