I got way sidetracked at the end of last year and blogging became a low priority. I was still crazily crafting and enjoying it very much but neglecting to document it. Picture taking dropped off and thus I felt I had no news to blog.
In no particular order here are a few bits and pieces, by no means all, that I have to show for this long hiatus.
Quilt top finished from the How Far Will You Go? QAL. This quilt was fun to make. I love quilt alongs! Both QALs that I participated in last year are now finished. I have 12 HST BOM blocks that need some sashing-basting-quilting love.
Back to the quilt top. My one rule (??) for this quilt was no quiet neutrals. It is one loud and busy quilt. Made busier by my spotty, dotty choices for borders.
And here it is all done! quilted and bound! This is my very first full size free motion quilting attempt on my Janome! I did it in a couple of hours one afternoon. When I say a couple I mean about 5.It is far, far from perfection but I learnt heaps. I learnt that it's hot work. I learnt that it's a pretty good work out for my arms and shoulders. I learnt that when the bobbin runs out it is very frustrating. The top thread is a grey which kind of blends in. I used a cream for the bobbin thread to better blend with the AWESOME vintage sheet backing( found at roadside chuck out!). This quilt has been washed and used already.
Technically this is my first finish of 2013 and deserves a pots all its own. Briefly ; this is the notorious Amy Butler weekender bag. This photo was taken before I stitched the lining in. Separate post to follow.....
And now for some Christmassy stuff plus a list of hand-mades I have not photographed - my bad!
Mullet apron entry for Apron exhibition at Dangar Island Shop and Cafe. One of the first to sell. I used the fishy pattern from this book . This was my first attempt at raw edge applique.
Christmas stockings for the cuzzies. I did follow a tutorial but can't remember which one so I won't link to a random blog. I did change it up a bit, with the white cuffs and hand embroidered names. So cute hanging on the mantlepiece above the fire.
List of other things I made and need to get piccies of;
- baby boy quilt in blues and greens for my new nephew Oscar (gifted)
- Noodleheads open wide pouches in various sizes x 3 (gifted)
- '9 crabs a nipping' mini quilt for Dangar's 12 days of Christmas ferry shed decoration (somewhere around here)
-wrap skirt in Sandi Henderson fabric (wore it yesterday)
I have 2 big reasons this blog has been so long neglected.
The first was Christmas. I took it upon myself at the end of last year to be the boss of Christmas for the island. So, as well as having a house full of family at Christmas for a week or so plus all the other social catch ups that happen at this time of year I, with the help of many others, put together a program for Christmas crafts and decorations. I did three craft workshops where we made jellyfish and fish box kites with school aged kids and our playgroup. I promoted the 12 days of Christmas ferry shed decorating as well helped coordinate a Christmas parade with professional drummers and a dragon and a visit from Santa. It was hectic to say the least but should be easier next year...am I that crazy?
Add a very, very, very 2 year old boy into the mix.
This busy 2 year old boy.
AND... and this is a biggy. We moved house. We didn't move far. Less than a kilometer in fact. But moving is moving any way you look at it. We bought a house on the beach here on Dangar Island. And we have been soaking up the Summer

The view is pretty awesome. We are very exposed with a southerly aspect but look out over a beautiful expanse of this river. We have all been loving our new front yard this summer...and it's not over yet.
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