Noodlehead's 'Go Anywhere' bag. My husband calls it the Go Everywhere bag. The one on the left with the chambray/denim type fabric I made for myself. The buff cotton drill one I made for my baby sister. The print is another Amy Butler - just can't get enough! The linings are a pink chambray I had lying around, I seem to inherit off cuts and scraps! The weight of these bags are really nice and they are still soft. I am yet to use linings or interfacing for one of these bags.

And although not technically a Christmas present, it was finished and gifted at Christmas time. This is a play mat/quilt I made for my brand new niece born in November. I helped my sis to make some cushions for the babies room before she arrived, leaving me with some rather large offcuts and a great starting point for pallette and style.

I stayed with greens and creams and because now we know she's a girl I threw in some cutesy pinks too. I hand quilted it in concentric circles which took a little longer than I had imagined. The end result is so worth it!

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