Sherbet Pips Tumbler quilt. I pieced this puppy together pretty quickly one day last week. I was surprised how easy it was. I didn't use a pattern or a template, just my ruler and cutting mat. Oh, and my rotary cutter. I cut 6" strips then cut them into tumblers with a 6" width at one end and 4" at the other. Easy peasy. They were a cinch to sew up and the seams match up!! Finally I have this scant seam thing going on.

I am almost finished hand quilting with embroidery thread, red for all non-red blocks, white for the red blocks for some nice contrast. The back is pieced but that can wait for another time. I am going to leave the sides all ziggy zaggy and challenge myself to bias binding it. Yikes.

These are my bright materials (as opposed to the His Dark Materials) that I have made into warm-cool HSTs. The trimming process is so - yawn -tedious but well worth the effort.

Option 1 - concentric diamonds.

Option 2 - little diamonds. A close contender but perhaps another time.

Option 3. The winner. Warm cool zig zags. This ticks off two wishlist quilts in one go. HSTs and zig zags. This quilt top is pieced and awaiting border inspiration and motivation. It will be hand quilted...right after I finish the other one.
I do believe I am up to date. See you soon. Have a great week.
That is so beautiful! I love hat and zigzags too :)