The last weeks of 2011 were a blur of activity and Christmas preparations. We had my husbands Mum and Dad over from the UK for three weeks in November. Then we all got sick, one after the other, including the baby. husband hurt his back very badly and was bedbound for 5 days, I played nursey-wifey-hosty-mummy. It was an exhausting and trying time to say the least.
Amongst it all I managed to continue crafting....but no blogging.
I am now hopelessly behind. I AM determined to get back on track but it may take a few days (=nap times). I have lots to show.
I will start with the Quilt Along progress. I am up to date in the Skill Builder Sampler which, all things considered is a pretty mean feat I reckon.
Without further ado I present Blocks 17-22.

Block #17 - Starry Night. A paper foundation pieced block. Love it. Love the technique. The precision. Love the end product. I don't love the waste involved although I'm sure experience makes one better. Am so happy with my work on this block. Yay!

Block #19 - Circle of Geese. the last of the foundation piecing. I had wondered how on earth people made this block. Now I know! Again, loving the precision, not so much the wastage.

Block #20 - Orange Windows. An unmitigated disaster. Partially because I didn't read the instructions properly and didn't allow for extra on the background block. Primarily because although I didn't have the recommended heat'n'bond, or similar product, I ploughed ahead. I tried to substitute Uhu glue. With little success. This was a machine applique exercise that I failed miserably. I am certain if I did it again, PROPERLY, I could DO it. I love the design and the colours, my execution not so much.

Block #20 - Circles. We were given a few different applique methods to try. I prefer to hand baste my shapes and then iron down on the template. I then hand, or needle turn, appliqued my circles into a Christmas tree configuration. I was just getting in the festive mood. I like needle turn applique. Who would have thunk it?!

Block #21 - Applique block 3, we could choose our own design and technique. I chose this Topeka Rose design. Very traditional. I was a bit concerned about how the modern fabrics would get along with such a traditional design and technique but I am thrilled with it. A lot of applique is in the prep, templates, fabric choices and cutting, basting and placement. Once I got into the groove it seemed to sew itself. I finished this baby on New Years Eve, so technically my final crafty output for 2011.

Block #22 - Flowering Snowball. The start of the curves skills. I have never sewn curves before. I must admit I was a little anxious but I pinned diligently and sewed slowly and voila this happy, and FLAT, block. I am looking forward to the rest of the curves blocks. I am crossing my fingers for a drunkards path block.
That brings the Skill Builder Quilt Along up to date. There are just 14 more blocks to go.
Much, much more to come.
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